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10 Years of Tradition

Harlow Youth council was formed in February 2002 when Harlow District Council responded to the United Nations Rights of the Child, Every Child Matters and the ‘Hear by Right’ principles of involving young people in the decision making process.


Harlow Youth Council is a locally elected group of 13 – 19 year olds who live in Harlow.  As a group, they represent the views and voices of young people in the town.  It is an opportunity for all young people to have their say about things in Harlow through their youth councillor, e.g. the need for better facilities, more things to do, or to contribute to local consultations.

Meet Our Youth Councillors

The elections are held each year in December.

Youth councillors stand for 2 years; they can re-stand after their 2 years if they are under 20 years of age.

Candidates must be 13 – 19 years old.

Open to all Harlow residents.

Contact Us


Civic Centre,

1st Floor,
The Water Gardens,
CM20 1WG




01279 446093





Faresaver tickets which allow students to travel at child fares are available from the following operators. Arriva, Network Harlow, TGM, SX Connect and Green Line. The cost per year for a Faresaver tickets is; £70 for students aged 16 or 17, £110 for students aged 18 to 20 and £10 for students aged 14 & 15


Updated 28/7/2014

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